Monday, January 08, 2007

Joe and Haylee

The past few months have been flying by at an incredible pace. I thought it would be fun to take some time this month and next to post some photos that I took in the last few months. October I did about 25-30 portraits so there are a lot to post. :)

Here are some photographs of Haylee and Joe. I knew I was going to hit it off with Haylee and Joe from the second I first met them. They are huge animal lovers, they have three dogs two of which are Mastiffs! They love taking photographs and being in them. I couldn't wait for their engagement portrait. We had a lot of fun playing around down town. Here are a few pictures from the day. Oh yeah and don't forget to check out their slideshow!

1 comment:

H and J said...

We LOVVVE our pictures Katie! You rock!