Friday, March 21, 2008

WPPI in Las Vegas

It's that time of year again... 12,000 wedding and portrait photographers get together for WPPI in Vegas. Every year it seems to get busier and busier for me. I spent the first few days working for Pictage. Then I spent the next two days doing presentations for liveBooks on the tradeshow floor. I am hoping to round up a few photos that Barry Staver took during my presentation. The rest of the tradeshow I spent buying new equipment, looking for the latest packaging options and purchasing a new album for my elite album line. For all my 2008 brides, I will be releasing an elite album line very soon.
Some friends from CO, Washington DC and Florida.

Fellow Pictage PUGers. (PUG=Pictage Users Group) Pictage had an awesome party for the PUG leaders at Tao.